AZ Guard Card Process

An overview on the process to get your Arizona Security Guard Card

armed guard training at an indoor shooting range

Armed and Unarmed Guard Card Process

The process to get your Arizona security guard card, either armed or unarmed is pretty straight forward, below you will find the process on what’s needed to get it.

We recommend that you file a paper application. This process involves either delivering your application to DPS in person or mailing it to them. We’ll describe the full process below.


Unarmed & Armed

In Arizona, there are two types of security guard cards: unarmed and armed.

To work as a contracted security guard, that is, to work for a security guard and patrol company, you must be licensed. To get that license, you must take a mandatory training class for your unarmed license. It’s 8 hours in length and can be taken online or in person.

For those looking to become an armed security guard, and additonal class must be taken. This is the 16 hour armed security guard course. It’s two, eight hour days and includes a live fire range qualification and written test. The armed course cannot be taken online.

Further, unarmed training must be completed first, prior to taking the armed course. You do not need to have your paperwork submitted, but you must have completed the unarmed training, and have your training verification form to show it.

There are requirements and disqualifiers that DPS has in place when applying for the security licnese. It’s the typical stuff: at least 18 years of age, citizen of the U.S. or legal resident, no felonies within the last 5 years and so on. You can find all of the preclusions in A.R.S. 32-2622.

The process on getting the security guard card(s) for Arizona is outlined below.


Notes for the Guard Card Process

General information to keep in mind about the guard card process.

Valid for 2 Years

Guard cards are issued for a period of 2 years and guards should start the renewal process 60 days prior to expiration to ensure there is no gap in time.

Armed Guard

The armed course is not a “learn how to shoot” class, as it’s designed to qualify only. Guards will have to demonstrate proficiency on the range.

Armed Refresher

All armed guards are required to take the annual refresher training course each calendar year. It includes written test and range qualification.

Requirements and Disqualifiers

Arizona DPS has established certain requirements and disqualifiers for getting your guard card. Below is an outline of what’s required, and what will disqualify you from getting your security license in Arizona.

We cannot offer legal advice, nor say if DPS will allow you to get your guard card if you have something in your background. You can call DPS and discuss your situation directly with them as we have no bearing on your application’s disqualifications. On the guard card registration application form there is space to provide additional information, and we always suggest you give them as much info as possible, and include any copies of supporting paperwork you may have.

General Requirements

  • Must be a minimum of 18 years of age or older
  • Must be a US citizen or have a legal right to work in the US
  • Must not be convicted of a felony, or under indictment of one
  • Must not be on parole, probation or on a sex offender list
  • Must not be a prohibited possessor
  • Must not be deemed mentally incompetent
  • No bad conduct, dishonorable or other than honorable discharge from military


No convictions in the last 5 years of any of the following:

  1. Personal violence against another or threats against another of personal violence
  2. Misconduct involving a deadly weapon as per ARS 12-3102
  3. Dishonesty or Fraud
  4. Arson
  5. Theft
  6. Domestic Violence
  7. Sexual Misconduct
  8. Drug Related Offenses

Armed and Unarmed Guard Card Process

The process to get your Arizona security guard card, either armed or unarmed is pretty straight forward, below you will find the process on what’s needed to get it.

There are two methods to apply: paper and electronic. The paper application involves either delivering your application to DPS in person, or mailing it to them, whereas the online application allows you to complete all the paperwork digitally. Both are discussed bleow.

Unarmed & Armed

In Arizona, there are two types of security guard cards: unarmed and armed.

To work as a contracted security guard, that is, to work for a security guard and patrol company, you must be licensed. To get that license, you must take a mandatory training class for your unarmed license. It’s 8 hours in length and can be taken online or in person.

For those looking to become an armed security guard, and additonal class must be taken. This is the 16 hour armed security guard course. It’s two, eight hour days and includes a live fire range qualification and written test. The armed course cannot be taken online.

Further, unarmed training must be completed first, prior to taking the armed course. You do not need to have your paperwork submitted, but you must have completed the unarmed training, and have your training verification form to show it.

There are requirements and disqualifiers that DPS has in place when applying for the security licnese. It’s the typical stuff: at least 18 years of age, citizen of the U.S. or legal resident, no felonies within the last 5 years and so on. You can find all of the preclusions in A.R.S. 32-2622.

The process on getting the security guard card(s) for Arizona is outlined below.

Valid for 2 Years

Guard cards are issued for a period of 2 years and guards should start the renewal process 60 days prior to expiration to ensure there is no gap in time.

Armed Guard

The armed course is not a “learn how to shoot” class, as it’s designed to qualify only. Guards will have to demonstrate proficiency on the range.

Armed Refresher

All armed guards are required to take the annual refresher training course each calendar year. It includes written test and range qualification.

Requirements and Disqualifiers

Arizona DPS has established certain requirements and disqualifiers for getting your guard card. Below is an outline of what’s required, and what will disqualify you from getting your security license in Arizona.

We cannot offer legal advice, nor say if DPS will allow you to get your guard card if you have something in your background. You can call DPS and discuss your situation directly with them as we have no bearing on your application’s disqualifications. On the guard card registration application form there is space to provide additional information, and we always suggest you give them as much info as possible, and include any copies of supporting paperwork you may have.

General Requirements

  1. Must be a minimum of 18 years of age or older
  2. Must be a US citizen or have a legal right to work in the US
  3. Must not be convicted of a felony, or under indictment of one
  4. Must not be on parole, probation or on a sex offender list
  5. Must not be a prohibited possessor
  6. Must not be deemed mentally incompetent
  7. No bad conduct, dishonorable or other than honorable discharge from military


No convictions in the last 5 years of any of the following:

  1. Personal violence against another or threats against another of personal violence
  2. Misconduct involving a deadly weapon as per ARS 12-3102
  3. Dishonesty or Fraud
  4. Arson
  5. Theft
  6. Domestic Violence
  7. Sexual Misconduct
  8. Drug Related Offenses